Wednesday, March 27, 2013

There will be panda-monium when I take these to the Arts Market!

So, I totally knew those black n' white bear men were going to be arriving at The Toronto Zoo. So I ordered these in advance ... s'more tea set jewelry coming soon!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Collar Tips

I was home in the UK a few weeks ago, and saw that collar tips are really 'in.' With that, I decided to try and make my own. These guys only took a short while to make, yet they look really great. I need to polish the overall 'look' a wee bit, but for the most part ... they look pretty swell! I'll keep these for myself and work on some other styles tomorrow. Pics coming soon!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Flower Power!

So, I've seen these flowery headbands EVERYWHERE as a 'summer essential'. Whilst I really liked the style, for the most part, I didn't think they were worth the price(s) they were listed at on various websites. SO, I decided to try and make my own. They worked out awesome and look really great on. They go with summer dresses, plaid shirts, shorts and tee's. I've priced them at $10 and up (max $15), and I'm hoping they're going to be a hit because I think they're really cute!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Blog neglect (sad face)

I know I've been neglecting my blog over the last few weeks. I think I'm kind of up-to-date now though. The reason for the neglect: I co-organized a fundraiser for the animal welfare shelter PAWS (Peoples Animal Welfare Society). Which was a huge hit! Over 70 people turned out and we raised $2100 for the charity...a success I would say!

We had an evening of food, drinks (the event was sponsored by Mill Street and Creekside Winery), a lot of the Arts Market vendors and Leslieville stores donated some of their products, which resulted in around 13 silent auction baskets, Trivia, there were readings from +Spencer Gordon , Mat Laporte and Jim Smith and live music from Robin Byrd.
It was a total success and I'm really proud of all that Annie (my co-organizer) and I managed to achieve.
I'd do a fundraiser again in a heartbeat...maybe in a few months though!

New Keys!

I got a hold of a new typewriter the other day. I've been so busy working on more rings this weekend; my fingers are numb from all the filing.

I reduced the random '#' and '%' keys to $5 at the Arts Market last week. Apparently, they have really shifted since the price reduction. Which is great! It makes room for the others I've been working on, too as the 'letter' keys are always a hit!

Collar Tips!

I got this awesome haul of old jewelry when I was home in the UK. I've already made myself a ring out of one of the huge white flower earrings. I like them as earrings, however I have a small face = small ears and they drown me.

I'm going to be working on some collar tips with the rest of them this week. Great for jazzing up a spring outfit!


My good pal +Ela Monteith-Hodge modeled a few of my new headbands the other night in exchange for dinner!

The bottom left photo is made of a shiny green and pink fabric I found whilst rummaging in my mum's fabric box, on my latest trip home to Scotland. The headband has wire through it so you can bend it into all shapes and bows. It's very 80's and Cyndi Lauper-esque!

The top right photo is the latest addition to my headband selection and I LOVE it! It's so summery and colourful. I've only made these in pink and white so far, but will be working on some other colours this week. They're a cinch at $12, too!

Arts Market Newsletter

***Good News!***
The Arts Market will be releasing a newsletter with exciting updates on new vendors, events and classes. If you would like to receive copies of our newsletter on a monthly basis: please email with the word 'Newsletter' in the subject line.


I've been playing about with vinyl over the last few weeks. It's very, VERY hard to mold into the shape I want it to be! needs to be really hot which makes things even harder.

Anyway, theses earrings are a practice run which I'm going to keep for myself and keep working on the vinyl jewelry!

Scrabble Tiles Revamped!

The regular Scrabble tile rings sell really well. It can get kind of repetitive making them though! I decided to make some studded Scrabble rings for a wee bit or variation. They were kind of fiddly, but turned out pretty well. They're at the Arts Market for $12 now!